From being a nurse turned photographer- Rachel Traxler has built a successful wedding photography business along with photography business education. So today we’ll be diving into raising and setting your prices for premium clients!

How do you even define a premium client?
Everyone has their own perspective of what that is or maybe even think that they can’t reach what that is because maybe they associate premium with high-end luxury. That is far from the case though. You can create your own premium client! They could be a travel elopement client or a backyard wedding client or even a courthouse wedding client and still be considered a premium client. They are someone who knows what they want and confident in what they want.
The way they invest is also different! I like to think that premium clients are more right brain thinking with more emotional, connective and how they want to feel. Whereas a lot of lower budget clients seem to be more left brain focused to where they just want to see the prices right off the bat and not too concerned on how they feel. Not saying that this is always the case but it also helps a lot to have a lot of this already outlined on your website so that it rules out the people who don’t necessarily align with you.

How you define YOUR premium client?
Everyone is so different! Premium clients sometimes don’t even want that kind of connection with their photographer. Think to yourself, do they align with your brand mission and foundation? I have to think that it’s not always about me and the clients I like to work with but I can also position it as what do I do for my people and how am I serving people. So that it’s not so much about me, it’s about them! I should be able to solve their ‘pain points’!
Bottom line, it’s not necessarily always about price. What kind of vibe does this person give off? Do they match what you value? Is there trust there? You just need to sit down an ask yourself what’s important to you.
Now this is a pretty big one just because what you put out there- you will attract. What is your brand messaging? What’s your brands mission statement? And even aesthetics! Do your colors and logos scream barn weddings and ballroom golf courses when you much prefer intimate backyards and adventure elopements? The visuals of your brand is just as important! That is the first thing people see. How’s your website? Your Instagram can be stunning but if your feed isn’t necessarily bringing in your ideal client (because IG is limited of what you can do and show as opposed to a website) then maybe you need to evaluate your website. Or even GET a website to establish you as that higher end premium photographer to attract the type of clients that you’re wanting!

There are SO many more pieces of insight and goodies in this discussion so make sure to listen to the whole episode here where we even discuss HOW to raise those prices for premium clients! So don’t miss out if you feel like you resonated with this post!
Cayleigh Ely | Tennessee Wedding Photographer
If you aren’t already, let’s be besties and follow each other on IG! Read more About Me and check out all of my education resources here if you’re needing more support in your photography journey!